NBA preseason game on October 7th, the Lakers lost 114-118 to the Suns. After the game, LeBron James was interviewed by reporters.
When asked about what he said to Bronny during the game, James replied, "I just told him to keep improving. Obviously, he's still young, just turned 20. He wants to keep getting better, and that's what matters most. So every time he steps on the court, he needs to continue playing to win, learn from mistakes, and also learn from the positives. I believe if he keeps doing that, he will only get better and better."
In this game, LeBron James played for 16 minutes and 20 seconds, shooting 8 for 12, including 2 of 3 three-pointers. He also made 1 of 1 free throws, scoring 19 points with 5 rebounds, 4 assists, and 2 blocks. As for Bronny, he played for 13 minutes, missed his only shot, grabbed 2 rebounds, but also had 4 turnovers and committed 3 fouls, resulting in a -16 plus/minus rating.
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